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In this post you will see class 10th Biology chapter 1 name life process notes.
         Life Process
  • All the plants and animals are living things.
  • All the living things move by themselves without any external help.
  • Non  living things cannot move by themselves.
  • Characteristics of living things
  • Living things can move by themselves.
  • Living things need food, air and water.
  • Living things can grow.
  • Living things can respond to changes around.
  • Living thing respire.
Life Process:- the the basic functions performed by living organism to maintain their life on this earth are called life processes.
Examples:- nutrition, respiration, growth, control and coordination, reproduction.
Note:- 1-all the living organisms need energy to perform various life processes. They get this energy from is a kind of fuel which provides energy to all the living organisms.
2- energy is required by an organism even during sleep, this is because when we are sleep, a number of biological processes keep on occurring in the body which require energy.
Examples:- heart beating, breaking
3- food is an organic substance. The simplest food is glucose. Complex food is starch, starch is made up of glucose.

Nutrition:- the process of taking food inside the body and converting into to simpler molecules which can be absorbed by the body is known as nutrition.

Nutrients;-a substance which an organism obtain from surrounding and uses it as a source of energy is known as nutrients.
For Example:- carbohydrates, fats, proteins and mineral salts etc.

Modes of Nutrition
Modes of Nutrition means of obtaining food by an organism.
There are mainly two modes of Nutrition
1- autotrophic
2- heterotrophic

1- Autotrophic nutrition:- it is mode of nutrition in which an organism makes its own food from the simple inorganic materials present in the surrounding.
Note:- the green plants have and autotrophic mode of nutrition .
And autotrophic bacteria also obtain their food by the autotrophic mode of nutrition.
Autotrophs:- those organisms which can make their own food from carbon dioxide and water are called autotrophs.
Autotrophic organisms contain the green pigment called chlorophyll which is capable of trapping sunlight energy.

Heterotrophic modes of Nutrition
it is the mode of nutrition in which an organism cannot make its own food from simple in organic materials like carbon dioxide and water and depend on other organisms for its food.

Note- all the animals have a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
Most bacteria and fungi also have heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

Heterotrophs:- animals which are depend on plants or other animals for food is said to be heterotrophs.

Types of heterotrophic nutrition
1- saprotrophic nutrition
2- parasitic nutrition
3- holozoic nutrition

1- saprotrophic nutrition- it is diet nutrition in which an organism obtain its food from decaying organic matter of dead plants, dead animals and rotten bread.
Saprophytes :- saprophytes are the organisms which obtain their food from dead plants dead and decaying animals bodies.

Note- The saprophytes breakdown the complex organic molecules present in dead and decaying matter and convert into simpler substances outside their body.
These simpler substances are then observed by saprophytes as their food.

2- Parasitic nutrition:- it is that nutrition in which an organism derives its food from the body of another living organisms without killing it.

Note:- parasite receives ads food from the host but gives no benefits to the host in return. A parasite usually harms the host. The host maybe plant or animal most of the diseases which affect mankind , crop, domestic animals caused by parasite.
Examples of parasites
Ticks,lice, leeches, and tapeworm

3- holozoic nutrition:-it is that nutrition in which an organism takes thecomplexorganic food materials into its body by the process of ingestion, the ingested food is digested and then absorbed into the body cells of the organism.
Human beings and animals like cat, dog, cattle, amoeba etc have the holozoic nutrition.

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